A co-worker posted how many lines she added/deleted to the repo in 2023. I just wrote a simple Python script to check PRs. The requirement is GitHub CLI.
The following script requires github id
, repo owner
, repo name
and limit
as input.
The limit
option default number is 30 so without this the command cannot take all merged PRs data from GitHub.
- Display Top 5 PRs (based on additions)
- Display total addtions
- Display total deletins
- Display total merged
import json
import subprocess
# Run the gh command and get the output
user_id = input('Enter your github id: ')
repo_owner = input('Enter repo owner: ')
repo = input('Enter repo name: ')
limit = input('Enter limit num: ')
limit = int(limit)
gh_command = f'gh pr list --repo {repo_owner}/{repo} --author {user_id} --state merged --json url,number,title,createdAt,additions,deletions --search "created:2023-01-01..2023-12-31" --limit {limit}'
gh_output = subprocess.check_output(gh_command, shell=True)
# Parse the JSON output
pr_data = json.loads(gh_output)
# Filter PRs by year and sort by additions
filtered_prs = [pr for pr in pr_data if pr['createdAt'].startswith('2023')]
sorted_prs = sorted(filtered_prs, key=lambda pr: pr['additions'], reverse=True)
# Calculate total additions and deletions
total_additions = sum(pr['additions'] for pr in sorted_prs)
total_deletions = sum(pr['deletions'] for pr in sorted_prs)
# Print the sorted PRs
# print(json.dumps(sorted_prs, indent=2))
# Print the top 5 PRs with the most additions
print(f'Your top 5 PR additions {repo_owner}/{repo}')
for i, pr in enumerate(sorted_prs[:5]):
print(f'PR #{i+1}:')
print(f'URL: {pr["url"]}')
print(f'Number: {pr["number"]}')
print(f'Title: {pr["title"]}')
print(f'Created at: {pr["createdAt"]}')
print(f'Additions: {pr["additions"]}')
print(f'Deletions: {pr["deletions"]}')
# Print total additions and deletions
print(f'Total additions: {total_additions}')
print(f'Total deletions: {total_deletions}')
# Print total number of merged PRs
print(f'Total merged PRs: {len(sorted_prs)}')